"Keep Harford county beautiful." What an accurate little slogan for our ever growing yet still rural little area. We are blessed to have everything here that a family raising small children could want. Rolling green hills, plentiful playgrounds, huge libraries, Chuck E. Cheese, every fast food chain imaginable, recreation centers by the handfuls.
Obviously, most days the fact that our tiny claim to this bountiful land happens to be a townhouse with practically no yard, really is not a problem. We simply load up the minivan and head out on another adventure. We certainly have enough parks and playgrounds to choose from.
However, there are days like today, when loading up the minivan is just not practical. These are the moments when we miss having a yard for the boys to run around in.
The past two days have been spent stuck inside the house awaiting the departure of the latest virus from our humble home. (This time, it is Kaleb afflicted with the icky cough and freakishly high fever) He is feeling a tad more like himself, but still not well enough to go running around a park, and I am certainly not convinced that he is no longer contagious, so there is also the goal of keeping him away from other people's little precious. (Which is no easy tasks, considering all the neighborhood little girls who beat down my door every day asking if he can come out and play)
Alas, the boy needed some fresh air, we all did. It is for just such occasions that I keep a full flower bed. No, not full of beautiful pink roses and golden marigolds like all the neighbors. No, our flower beds are full... of dump trucks! (and other miscellaneous plastic digging equipment. )Nothing can entertain three little boys longer than sitting around digging in the dirt together.
Seeing the three of them out there this morning, little ones covered head to toe in dirt, all three grinning ear to ear, I couldn't help but to bow my head and whisper a "thank you" to my heavenly Father - I am truly blessed beyond measure.
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