Thursday, September 10, 2009

Like looking in a mirror

(Left to right: Ian, Kaleb, Ethan, Talan, Graham, and Sawyer)

Imagine my surprise quickly turning to glee as I (almost literally) "ran into" another similarly frazzled mommy of three at the library recently. We stood there comparing our matching broods (each of us toting a first grader and twin 18 month olds, all six of which are active boys) with awe, amusement, a appreciation at the knowledge that there really is someone else out there who truly understands. What a blessing my new friend has been to my heart already! A wealth of sound advice, and a truly empathetic ear to boot!
Perhaps the greatest blessing to me is this new found treasure chest of friendships, is that of Kaleb and Graham. How wonderful for my little boy to be able to play with someone else who understands the grand responsibility of having his entire world turned upside down when his home (and all the toys!) were over taken by not just one, but two very attention - demanding, very small little people. Someone else who knows what it is like for a simple trip to the grocery store to take all afternoon, as each and every adult must stop to comment and coo over "the twins." Finally... another big brother of twins to relate to! Not that they aren't awfully cute mind you.....

(Ian, Ethan, Sawyer (I believe), Talan in back
The older boys are off
preparing a puppet show for their brothers)

Almost as a symbol of great things to come, the day ended as Kaleb excitedly pointed out a rainbow in the fountain. (LOOK CLOSELY)

Yes, I truly am, blessed beyond measure!

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