Thursday, June 25, 2009

I scream, you scream

Imagine if you will a glorious farm land, filled with acre upon acre of woods, wide open fields, and countless old buildings bursting with adventure. There were hay bails to jump, corn silos to climb, tractors to ride, a stream to swim in, even cattle to chase!

Yes, I grew up in a child's paradise. Often are the times when my mind's eye will wonder back down memory lane, leaving me feeling a bit saddened by all the blessed experiences my offspring will never be able to share. There is, however, one thing that "city life" has to offer that old farm house never did. (okay, okay, so we are no where near the city, but compared to the farm, it sure feels like it!) The ice cream truck! What a thrill to my soul to watch my children's eyes light up when they hear that all familiar jingle way in the distance. To see the anticipation build as they listen intently throughout the day, hoping to hear just a note or two in some neighboring development, giving them hope that he is on his way.

As we sat on the steps tonight, ice cream dripping down all of their faces, me just as sticky as they from the task of trying desperately to keep their prized treats off the ground, I reveled in their smiles. I smiled too. I was thinking "Hmm, maybe this 'city life' isn't so bad after all!"

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